Foreign Keys

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό I'm against pre-mature optimization as much as the next person, but I also like to apply best practices when I'm aware of them. It sounds like adding an index for our foreign keys is a generally good idea, so let's go ahead and do that.
Before we do, let's see what SQLite will do with our typical query using the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN command.
For methods on how to run this command, see the "Running SQL commands" section of the background information for this exercise.
🐨 Execute this command:
SELECT * from note where ownerId = 1;
This gives us the following output:
`--SCAN note
That SCAN without an index says we're going to be reading every row in the note database looking for the ones that match our ownerId. Once we get a lot of notes, this could definitely end up being slow.
This applies to all our foreign keys as well. Everywhere we are using the @relation attribute should have an index for the foreign key. Let's add those.
🐨 Once you're done updating the schema.prisma file, go ahead and create the migration script:
npx prisma migrate dev
You could call it "foreign-key-indexes".
🐨 Once you've done that, try running the EXPLAIN QUERY PLAN command again.
You should see something like this:
`--SEARCH note USING INDEX Note_ownerId_idx (ownerId=?)
Much better! Now we don't have to read every note to find the ones that match our ownerId. Instead the database will reference the index and only read those rows. This will help our CPU and memory utilization for these queries.