Nested Update

👨‍💼 the Prisma Client is pretty powerful and expressive with its nested queries. For example:
await prisma.ship.update({
	select: { id: true },
	where: { id: 1 },
	data: {
		name: 'The Black Pearl',
		captain: {
			update: {
				name: 'Jack Sparrow',
This does not result in a single query. This is actually multiple queries in a single transaction! Here's an example of what the queries generated from that nested update may look like:
SELECT "public"."Ship"."id" FROM "public"."Ship" WHERE ("public"."Ship"."id" = $1 AND 1=1)
SELECT "public"."Ship"."id", "public"."Ship"."name", "public"."Ship"."captainId" FROM "public"."Ship" WHERE ("public"."Ship"."id" = $1 AND 1=1) OFFSET $2
UPDATE "public"."Ship" SET "name" = $1 WHERE ("public"."Ship"."id" = $2 AND 1=1)
Cool right? So, turns out our entire transaction can be represented as a nested query with Prisma rather than multiple calls. The images just need multiple subqueries to handle the delete, update, and create that can happen as a part of this note update. Give it a shot and think about which approach you prefer.

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