
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’Ό Whoops! So we've got an issue. If one of the steps in our multi-step process to update a note fails, we'll end up with a halfway updated note. This is problematic for our situation, but it could be worse (like in the banking example we had in the introduction to this exercise).
As a reminder, here's the example of prisma's transaction API:
await prisma.$transaction(async $prisma => {
	await $prisma.rocket.update({
		where: { id: 1 },
		data: { name: 'Falcon 9' },
	await $prisma.rocket.update({
		where: { id: 2 },
		data: { name: 'Falcon Heavy' },
With that, you should have enough to get going! Let's put all of these note update steps in a single transaction.
πŸ§β€β™‚οΈ If you'd like to test things out, I left a comment in there for an error. With that error, you should be able to update a note and get deleted images, but no new images or updated images. Your job is to make it so it all succeeds or fails together.