Setup App Client

👨‍💼 We are finally ready to start using our new SQLite database in our application. We've already created a PrismaClient in our seed script, but now we want to access our SQLite data in our application.
We're going to keep the old in-memory database around until we've migrated everything over, so just stick this new client above it at the top of .
You'll need to handle HMR (as described in the background info for this exercise) using the singleton helper.
We also want you to add logging for all Prisma queries, but we want to customize this so it only logs the slower queries so we can make sense of our logs. The emoji will help you out with that, but here are the logging docs.
Finally, we'll also want to pre-connect our client since we start making database queries right away and there's no benefit to the default lazy connection.
The emoji will be your guide!

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